Well first head on over to git-scm.com or just google for git and it should be the first option you see. Now this is where you will get the ability to communicate between git and unity! There are GUI clients even but as a coder my eyes went to the console because well we love that control right?
Once you get the download for your system done there will be several prompts to go through but by default you shouldn’t need to change any of them to work with unity.
Once installed go ahead and either launch or find Git Bash. This is the beautiful console! Mmmhmmm Console!
Now that you have everything setup on your computer to work with git it’s repo time! If you haven’t already made a repository on your github page this is what you need to do next. Depending on your project you should name the repo accordingly and if you are using Unity it is recommended to utilize the gitignore feature and picking unity. This will help exclude items you do not necessarily need to add for version control.
Now git init! (If you don’t get that joke then you need a new tutorial!)