Objective: Create a homing missile that once fired will seek out the closest enemy and destroy it
Step 1: Create the powerup to activate the new special attack
Step 2: Create the method on the player for handling this new attack including setup variables to account for being true and give it an ammo count
Step 3: Create a check on player to see if there is an enemy before firing Setup same method for finding target on the missile once spawned so it can go to the closest target.
Step 4: Create the homing missile object to instantiate from the player including adding a box collider 2d for trigger, rigid body to control it’s angular movement, and a new tag for it to be identified by the enemy.
Step 5: Fire the missile if there is a target from player
Step 5: Make the missile go towards that enemy
Step 7: Create a death timer so the rocket doesn’t run forever if no target appears
Step 8: Tell the enemy it’s been hit by this new projectile and respond accordingly.