Road TO Dev — Post Processing in Unity

Rob Smith
3 min readMay 19, 2021


Ok so there are several effects we can add to the game using what is called post processing. This is essentially editing the data the camera receives and altering it in a desired way. To begin we need to create a post processing volume. First you need to add the package for post processing as by default it isn’t necessary.

Once you have that set we need to create the volume in our game scene for that I will use an empty game object and attach the component to it.

Because we only have one environment here make sure to check global so it effects everything in this scene.

We will only be using one profile for this game so we don’t need to change the priority. We do need to create a profile unless you have one already in mind. So just select new and Unity will create one.

We also need to create a layer to add to our main camera so it will actually utilize the effects we create here. We do that by manually creating a layer. Then we set the post-processing object to this layer.

We also need to create a post process layer component on our main camera and set it to use our newly made layer.

Now with that set we can start to play with our settings and add effects. You’ll notice on the post process object we have the add effect button there are several options, but one popular one is bloom. If we setup everything correctly you will see the changes made live.

At this point it’s just a matter of playing with the different settings and seeing what you like. As you can imagine there are a lot of interesting visual changes you can make to your game using this so don’t be afraid to play around with settings. Even if unfamiliar as you can always undo it.



Rob Smith

Hi there! I am currently on the path to learn how to become a unity developer and will be documenting my journey as best as I can here. Thanks for looking!