Road TO Dev — Tripleshot Moving! Let’s actually see it.

Rob Smith
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Ok now we want to actually have our power up moving we need to create the prefab for the triple firing lasers so we have a visual showing it being used. There are a few options here, but I am just going to reuse our laser asset and script for movement to make things simple. Just drag and a laser into the scene and place it where the first shot should.

Now duplicate it and adjust the new part to sit where we want it. Duplicate again and just remove the negative on the X so this copy sits at the exact Y and just mirrors the other.

Now we can just drag the two duplicates onto the main laser. Create a new variant prefab and rename it.

I realize that I had us name the powerup as a tripleshot prefab as well. I recommend renaming that to be tripleshotpowerup remember that it is still a prefab so if you only rename the object in the scene you need to use the overrides button to apply it to the main prefab.

Now with that corrected we can drag the prefab down into our prefabs folder and setup our player to use it!



Rob Smith
Rob Smith

Written by Rob Smith

Hi there! I am currently on the path to learn how to become a unity developer and will be documenting my journey as best as I can here. Thanks for looking!

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